Saturday, July 31, 2010

Meet Kodiak

My name is Kodiak. My humans sometimes call me Yakkers. I am a 2 1/2 year old American Eskimo. I love to go for long walks with my family. The beach is one of my favorite hangouts. I have 2 human sisters and 1 human brother. I love to do tricks for cookies. One day while walking Mission Trails my mom and I decided it would be fun to start a blog about our adventures and the tips we've learned along the way. I look forward to hearing all of your comments "Paw Prints Leading to the House".

1 comment:

Pam Bowers said...

Hi Kodiak. I can't wait to read all your tips. Your friend Kassie could use some training tips.

Aunty Pam

ps. you're gorgeous! Who took that picture? lol